Diabetic Eye Exams in East Gwillimbury


Advanced Care for Our Patients with Diabetes

Diabetes can affect your vision and the health of your eyes, making it especially important to have regular eye exams to stay on top of any changes.

We like to see our patients with diabetes at least every year, but depending on your particular needs, we may suggest a more frequent exam schedule.

What to Expect in Your Diabetic Eye Exam

This eye exam isn’t just about testing your sight. We’ll also investigate your eye health by dilating and looking inside your eyes with a fundus lens. We can also take incredibly detailed digital photos of your eyes’ inner structures with our retinal imaging cameras.

Our exam can reveal even the earliest signs of damage caused by high blood sugar, including a serious eye disease called diabetic retinopathy. With our diagnostic imaging equipment, we can detect this damage before you notice any visual symptoms and then begin a treatment plan.

Eye Nutrition & Diabetes

Managing your blood sugar is key to avoiding eye damage caused by too much glucose. A good diet when you have diabetes is filled with fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna.

Certain antioxidants are especially good for eye health and have shown promising effects in protecting against eye diseases. 

Book Your Dry Eye Treatment Today!

We’re located in a shopping plaza by Vince’s Market with plenty of convenient parking. 

Our Address

  • Unit C5–19101A, Leslie Street
  • East Gwillimbury, Ontario L0G 1V0

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